Over the past few weeks, I've been working on a life changing project with
Days for Girls Uganda
. My role has been to document reproductive health and hygiene
workshops and interview teenage girls about a sensitive issue that
affects them personal, socially and financially: menstrual health. Many
girls face social neglect and abuse and miss days of school on a monthly
basis. Issues surrounding me
nstruation can affect their self-esteem and confidence. All of these factors increase their vulnerability.
The young ladies we've spoken with have given a long list of shocking,
creative and affordable solution to managing their natural need.
Unfortunately, 90% of these solutions are hazards to their bodies.
During interviews, it was very painful to sit behind my camera screen
and listen to them share their experiences of pain and misery in soft
insecure voices as if menstruation is forbidden.
Days for Girls offers a solution in the form of reusable menstrual pads.
Please join hands with Days for Girl to raise awareness on reproductive
health, hygiene and a dignified GIRL CHILD.